Month: August 2017

  • How to make a car that runs on water

    How to make a car that runs on water

    Over the last 50 years lots of people tried to understand how to make a car that runs on water. Some of them were simple, ordinary mechanics or just enthusiasts with a simple goal: to run a car on water. What a radical idea. Water is one of the final products from burning fossil carbon…

  • How to make hho kit for bike at home

    How to make hho kit for bike at home

    Your bike can have more power and consume less fuel. In this article I will tell you how to make hho kit for bike at home. We will use simple materials, which can be found usually around your house – simple stuff for a greater purpose. How to make hho kit for bike at home…

  • Meter to square meter conversion formula

    Meter to square meter conversion formula

    I am writing this article because I saw some aberrations regarding this meter to square meter conversion formula. Meter times meter equals square meter. Let’s say loud and clear that there is no such thing as meter to square meter conversion. Meter to square meter conversion formula Meter is the measuring international unit for length…

  • How many meters in a square meter

    How many meters in a square meter

    This question weird enough. One would ask how many meters in a square meter and actually mean how many meters of wood stripes you have in a square meter of wood stripes.   How many meters in a square meter To answer our question we need to assume we have the square meter split in…