Month: July 2017

  • How to make hydrogen gas from water – a method for kids fun

    How to make hydrogen gas from water – a method for kids fun

    Hydrogen is the third most abundant element on earth’s surface but not everybody knows how to get it very easy. Today I will show you how to make hydrogen gas from water using just tap water and a small peace of aluminum foil. This method of making hydrogen gas from water does not involve wires,…

  • How to separate hydrogen from water without electrolysis

    How to separate hydrogen from water without electrolysis

    Let’s learn today how to separate hydrogen from water without electrolysis. Water being the most abundant substance on earth it could be the perfect fuel which would eliminate the need of burning the conventional fossil fuels. How to separate hydrogen from water without electrolysis Using electrolysis as a method of hydrogen production demands high amounts…

  • How to split water into hydrogen and oxygen at home

    How to split water into hydrogen and oxygen at home

    Hydrogen is what stars are made of. Today I will show you how to split water into hydrogen and oxygen at home using a simple method and things from your kitchen. How to split water into hydrogen and oxygen at home Even being the third most abundant element on our planet’s surface hydrogen is not…

  • How to make a hydrogen fuel cell – the real one

    How to make a hydrogen fuel cell – the real one

    I was searching a lot on the internet for building plans of a hydrogen fuel cell and I was so unlucky. Mostly all the results are showing a glass jar with two coiled platinum wires and a 9V batteri claiming they made a hydrogen fuel cell. This is why today I am writing this article.…

  • How to build a hydrogen generator

    How to build a hydrogen generator

    Hydrogen ca be used for many things like a hydrogen torch, a fuel cell or even creating water. In this article we will learn how to build a hydrogen generator using simple materials usually found around the house. How to build a hydrogen generator There are at least two different methods to make hydrogen. The…