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What Is A Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Building a hydrogen fuel cell can be as easy as having some simple materials at hand. Let's dig a little bit into what is a hydrogen fuel cell and understand and what most people understand by building a hydrogen fuel cell. What Is A Hydrogen Fuel Cell The technical term of hydrogen fuel cell is misused by most of the HHO...

How To Make Water From Hydrogen And Oxygen

For lots of people, especially for the poor, the fresh water is hard to obtain. In some areas of the planet, especially in the arid zones and deserts, the drinking water is almost impossible to find or obtain from natural resources. Knowing that 20% of Earth's population is facing the water shortage we should know how to make water...

The Myth Of Lowering Fuel Consumption Using HHO

Turn your gas car into a hybrid. How crazy is that? The HHO technology is that simple as it can be installed without the help of a car specialist. Even better this can be easily uninstalled and your car can work as before, unharmed. The device needed to install is very small and can fit anywhere inside the engine...